Data Preparation¶
OSMI has all the links of the data on their website under the research section for all the years starting from year 2014. The organization has hosted their datasets on kaggle. I took the data from the year 2017 onwards because the question asked haven’t changed from 2017 and hence it will be easier to combine the data.
All the datasets are downloaded in csv format and renamed to with respect to corresponding years in the format “osmi_<year>.csv”. Here <year> is the placeholder for the year. For example, data for year 2017 is present in file named “osmi_2017.csv”
# Import necessary packages
import pandas as pd
import re
Data cleaning - 2017¶
# Load 2017 data
df = pd.read_csv("./../../../datasets/osmi_2017.csv")
# Data Preview
# | <strong>Are you self-employed?</strong> | How many employees does your company or organization have? | Is your employer primarily a tech company/organization? | Is your primary role within your company related to tech/IT? | Does your employer provide mental health benefits as part of healthcare coverage? | Do you know the options for mental health care available under your employer-provided health coverage? | Has your employer ever formally discussed mental health (for example, as part of a wellness campaign or other official communication)? | Does your employer offer resources to learn more about mental health disorders and options for seeking help? | Is your anonymity protected if you choose to take advantage of mental health or substance abuse treatment resources provided by your employer? | ... | What is your gender? | What country do you <strong>live</strong> in? | What US state or territory do you <strong>live</strong> in? | What is your race? | Other | What country do you <strong>work</strong> in? | What US state or territory do you <strong>work</strong> in? | Start Date (UTC) | Submit Date (UTC) | Network ID | |
0 | e49fe87572831232dcfa51b376b22039 | 0 | 100-500 | 1.0 | 1.0 | No | Yes | No | I don't know | I don't know | ... | Female | United Kingdom | NaN | NaN | NaN | United Kingdom | NaN | 16/05/18 12:32 | 16/05/18 12:42 | 464b7a12f1 |
1 | a1eede444ac024928d247a8372d54931 | 0 | 100-500 | 1.0 | 1.0 | Yes | Yes | No | No | I don't know | ... | male | United Kingdom | NaN | NaN | NaN | United Kingdom | NaN | 16/05/18 12:31 | 16/05/18 12:40 | 464b7a12f1 |
2 | 37d3fd67f62bd1e0a2dea4f9cd440d98 | 0 | Jun-25 | 1.0 | 1.0 | I don't know | No | I don't know | No | Yes | ... | male | United States of America | Missouri | White | NaN | United States of America | Missouri | 09/05/18 5:34 | 09/05/18 5:46 | 1eb7e0cb94 |
3 | 519b759442c1cab0e9b5a8a1acb1b216 | 0 | More than 1000 | 1.0 | 1.0 | Yes | Yes | I don't know | I don't know | Yes | ... | Male | United States of America | Washington | White | NaN | United States of America | Washington | 04/05/18 23:19 | 04/05/18 23:23 | 63852edbc4 |
4 | ef0af4927b575b1a3e607c11ca37870e | 1 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | ... | female | United States of America | Illinois | More than one of the above | NaN | United States of America | Illinois | 03/05/18 0:40 | 03/05/18 0:53 | 43237889f1 |
5 rows × 87 columns
# Data info
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 756 entries, 0 to 755
Data columns (total 87 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 # 756 non-null object
1 <strong>Are you self-employed?</strong> 756 non-null int64
2 How many employees does your company or organization have? 643 non-null object
3 Is your employer primarily a tech company/organization? 643 non-null float64
4 Is your primary role within your company related to tech/IT? 643 non-null float64
5 Does your employer provide mental health benefits as part of healthcare coverage? 643 non-null object
6 Do you know the options for mental health care available under your employer-provided health coverage? 576 non-null object
7 Has your employer ever formally discussed mental health (for example, as part of a wellness campaign or other official communication)? 643 non-null object
8 Does your employer offer resources to learn more about mental health disorders and options for seeking help? 643 non-null object
9 Is your anonymity protected if you choose to take advantage of mental health or substance abuse treatment resources provided by your employer? 643 non-null object
10 If a mental health issue prompted you to request a medical leave from work, how easy or difficult would it be to ask for that leave? 643 non-null object
11 Would you feel more comfortable talking to your coworkers about your physical health or your mental health? 643 non-null object
12 Would you feel comfortable discussing a mental health issue with your direct supervisor(s)? 643 non-null object
13 Have you ever discussed your mental health with your employer? 643 non-null float64
14 Describe the conversation you had with your employer about your mental health, including their reactions and what actions were taken to address your mental health issue/questions. 172 non-null object
15 Would you feel comfortable discussing a mental health issue with your coworkers? 643 non-null object
16 Have you ever discussed your mental health with coworkers? 643 non-null float64
17 Describe the conversation with coworkers you had about your mental health including their reactions. 226 non-null object
18 Have you ever had a coworker discuss their or another coworker's mental health with you? 638 non-null float64
19 Describe the conversation your coworker had with you about their mental health (please do not use names). 230 non-null object
20 Overall, how much importance does your employer place on physical health? 643 non-null float64
21 Overall, how much importance does your employer place on mental health? 643 non-null float64
22 Do you have medical coverage (private insurance or state-provided) that includes treatment of mental health disorders? 113 non-null float64
23 Do you know local or online resources to seek help for a mental health issue? 113 non-null object
24 <strong>If you have been diagnosed or treated for a mental health disorder, do you ever reveal this to clients or business contacts?</strong> 113 non-null object
25 If you have revealed a mental health disorder to a client or business contact, how has this affected you or the relationship? 51 non-null object
26 <strong>If you have been diagnosed or treated for a mental health disorder, do you ever reveal this to coworkers or employees?</strong> 113 non-null object
27 If you have revealed a mental health disorder to a coworker or employee, how has this impacted you or the relationship? 113 non-null object
28 Do you believe your productivity is ever affected by a mental health issue? 113 non-null object
29 If yes, what percentage of your work time (time performing primary or secondary job functions) is affected by a mental health issue? 85 non-null object
30 <strong>Do you have previous employers?</strong> 756 non-null int64
31 Was your employer primarily a tech company/organization? 667 non-null float64
32 <strong>Have your previous employers provided mental health benefits?</strong> 667 non-null object
33 <strong>Were you aware of the options for mental health care provided by your previous employers?</strong> 667 non-null object
34 Did your previous employers ever formally discuss mental health (as part of a wellness campaign or other official communication)? 667 non-null object
35 Did your previous employers provide resources to learn more about mental health disorders and how to seek help? 667 non-null object
36 Was your anonymity protected if you chose to take advantage of mental health or substance abuse treatment resources with previous employers? 667 non-null object
37 Would you have felt more comfortable talking to your previous employer about your physical health or your mental health? 667 non-null object
38 Would you have been willing to discuss your mental health with your direct supervisor(s)? 667 non-null object
39 Did you ever discuss your mental health with your previous employer? 667 non-null float64
40 Describe the conversation you had with your previous employer about your mental health, including their reactions and actions taken to address your mental health issue/questions. 105 non-null object
41 <strong>Would you have been willing to discuss your mental health with your coworkers at previous employers?</strong> 667 non-null object
42 Did you ever discuss your mental health with a previous coworker(s)? 666 non-null float64
43 Describe the conversation you had with your previous coworkers about your mental health including their reactions. 130 non-null object
44 Did you ever have a previous coworker discuss their or another coworker's mental health with you? 661 non-null float64
45 Describe the conversation your coworker had with you about their mental health (please do not use names)..1 126 non-null object
46 Overall, how much importance did your previous employer place on physical health? 667 non-null float64
47 Overall, how much importance did your previous employer place on mental health? 667 non-null float64
48 Do you currently have a mental health disorder? 756 non-null object
49 Have you ever been diagnosed with a mental health disorder? 324 non-null object
50 What disorder(s) have you been diagnosed with? 0 non-null float64
51 If possibly, what disorder(s) do you believe you have? 142 non-null object
52 If so, what disorder(s) were you diagnosed with? 313 non-null object
53 Have you had a mental health disorder in the past? 746 non-null object
54 Have you ever sought treatment for a mental health disorder from a mental health professional? 756 non-null int64
55 Do you have a family history of mental illness? 756 non-null object
56 If you have a mental health disorder, how often do you feel that it interferes with your work <strong>when being treated effectively?</strong> 756 non-null object
57 If you have a mental health disorder, how often do you feel that it interferes with your work <strong>when <em>NOT</em> being treated effectively (i.e., when you are experiencing symptoms)?</strong> 756 non-null object
58 Have your observations of how another individual who discussed a mental health issue made you less likely to reveal a mental health issue yourself in your current workplace? 596 non-null object
59 How willing would you be to share with friends and family that you have a mental illness? 756 non-null int64
60 Would you be willing to bring up a physical health issue with a potential employer in an interview? 756 non-null object
61 Why or why not? 570 non-null object
62 Would you bring up your mental health with a potential employer in an interview? 756 non-null object
63 Why or why not?.1 580 non-null object
64 Are you openly identified at work as a person with a mental health issue? 754 non-null float64
65 Has being identified as a person with a mental health issue affected your career? 84 non-null float64
66 How has it affected your career? 26 non-null float64
67 If they knew you suffered from a mental health disorder, how do you think that team members/co-workers would react? 754 non-null float64
68 <strong>Have you observed or experienced an unsupportive or badly handled response to a mental health issue in your current or previous workplace?</strong> 754 non-null object
69 Describe the circumstances of the badly handled or unsupportive response. 157 non-null object
70 <strong>Have you observed or experienced supportive or well handled response to a mental health issue in your current or previous workplace?</strong> 754 non-null object
71 Describe the circumstances of the supportive or well handled response. 0 non-null float64
72 Overall, how well do you think the tech industry supports employees with mental health issues? 754 non-null float64
73 Briefly describe what you think the industry as a whole and/or employers could do to improve mental health support for employees. 500 non-null object
74 If there is anything else you would like to tell us that has not been covered by the survey questions, please use this space to do so. 183 non-null object
75 Would you be willing to talk to one of us more extensively about your experiences with mental health issues in the tech industry? (Note that all interview responses would be used <em>anonymously</em> and only with your permission.) 754 non-null float64
76 What is your age? 754 non-null float64
77 What is your gender? 743 non-null object
78 What country do you <strong>live</strong> in? 754 non-null object
79 What US state or territory do you <strong>live</strong> in? 497 non-null object
80 What is your race? 482 non-null object
81 Other 15 non-null object
82 What country do you <strong>work</strong> in? 754 non-null object
83 What US state or territory do you <strong>work</strong> in? 503 non-null object
84 Start Date (UTC) 756 non-null object
85 Submit Date (UTC) 756 non-null object
86 Network ID 756 non-null object
dtypes: float64(23), int64(4), object(60)
memory usage: 514.0+ KB
# Lower the column names
df.columns = df.columns.str.lower()
columns = list(df.columns)
# Remove html tags from the column names
columns = [re.sub('<.*?>', '', column) for column in columns]
# Remove special character
columns = [re.sub('\xa0', ' ', column) for column in columns]
# Reassign the columns to the respective dataframes
df.columns = columns
# Drop unuseful columns
df.drop(['#', 'start date (utc)', 'network id', 'other', 'submit date (utc)'], axis=1, inplace=True)
# Add year identifying column
df['year'] = '2017'
# Write the cleaned file back
df.to_csv("./../../../datasets/cleaned_osmi_2017.csv", index=False)
Data cleaning - 2018¶
# Load 2018 data
df = pd.read_csv("./../../../datasets/osmi_2018.csv")
# Data Preview
# | <strong>Are you self-employed?</strong> | How many employees does your company or organization have? | Is your employer primarily a tech company/organization? | Is your primary role within your company related to tech/IT? | Does your employer provide mental health benefits as part of healthcare coverage? | Do you know the options for mental health care available under your employer-provided health coverage? | Has your employer ever formally discussed mental health (for example, as part of a wellness campaign or other official communication)? | Does your employer offer resources to learn more about mental health disorders and options for seeking help? | Is your anonymity protected if you choose to take advantage of mental health or substance abuse treatment resources provided by your employer? | ... | What is your gender? | What country do you <strong>live</strong> in? | What US state or territory do you <strong>live</strong> in? | What is your race? | Other | What country do you <strong>work</strong> in? | What US state or territory do you <strong>work</strong> in? | Start Date (UTC) | Submit Date (UTC) | Network ID | |
0 | e44a0a34f2465940beda2a1537e9b99e | 0 | More than 1000 | 1.0 | 0.0 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ... | Female | Canada | NaN | NaN | NaN | Canada | NaN | 29/12/18 23:46 | 30/12/18 0:00 | 4bbb884ccc |
1 | 0d698e3beca20fb75f19b9d528e36d73 | 0 | More than 1000 | 1.0 | 1.0 | Yes | Yes | No | I don't know | I don't know | ... | male | United States of America | Massachusetts | White | NaN | United States of America | Massachusetts | 27/12/18 21:40 | 27/12/18 21:45 | 275e7543bd |
2 | 61a40c9071eb36fa9caa254d31500c41 | 0 | Jun-25 | 0.0 | 1.0 | Yes | Yes | No | No | I don't know | ... | Male | United States of America | Florida | White | NaN | United States of America | Florida | 21/12/18 17:37 | 21/12/18 18:08 | 43994c3dba |
3 | f8624340bead7deb08abb766704ddf6b | 0 | Jun-25 | 1.0 | 1.0 | No | No | No | No | I don't know | ... | male | Norway | NaN | NaN | NaN | Norway | NaN | 21/12/18 16:37 | 21/12/18 16:44 | 907b3a3faa |
4 | 31d3ae93b68d79e504a0a643601b6b1e | 0 | 26-100 | 1.0 | 1.0 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ... | Ostensibly Male | United States of America | Tennessee | White | NaN | United States of America | Tennessee | 20/12/18 19:39 | 20/12/18 20:58 | 26df20fea3 |
5 rows × 87 columns
# Data info
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 417 entries, 0 to 416
Data columns (total 87 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 # 417 non-null object
1 <strong>Are you self-employed?</strong> 417 non-null int64
2 How many employees does your company or organization have? 361 non-null object
3 Is your employer primarily a tech company/organization? 361 non-null float64
4 Is your primary role within your company related to tech/IT? 361 non-null float64
5 Does your employer provide mental health benefits as part of healthcare coverage? 361 non-null object
6 Do you know the options for mental health care available under your employer-provided health coverage? 324 non-null object
7 Has your employer ever formally discussed mental health (for example, as part of a wellness campaign or other official communication)? 361 non-null object
8 Does your employer offer resources to learn more about mental health disorders and options for seeking help? 361 non-null object
9 Is your anonymity protected if you choose to take advantage of mental health or substance abuse treatment resources provided by your employer? 361 non-null object
10 If a mental health issue prompted you to request a medical leave from work, how easy or difficult would it be to ask for that leave? 361 non-null object
11 Would you feel more comfortable talking to your coworkers about your physical health or your mental health? 361 non-null object
12 Would you feel comfortable discussing a mental health issue with your direct supervisor(s)? 361 non-null object
13 Have you ever discussed your mental health with your employer? 361 non-null float64
14 Describe the conversation you had with your employer about your mental health, including their reactions and what actions were taken to address your mental health issue/questions. 96 non-null object
15 Would you feel comfortable discussing a mental health issue with your coworkers? 361 non-null object
16 Have you ever discussed your mental health with coworkers? 360 non-null float64
17 Describe the conversation with coworkers you had about your mental health including their reactions. 106 non-null object
18 Have you ever had a coworker discuss their or another coworker's mental health with you? 360 non-null float64
19 Describe the conversation your coworker had with you about their mental health (please do not use names). 124 non-null object
20 Overall, how much importance does your employer place on physical health? 361 non-null float64
21 Overall, how much importance does your employer place on mental health? 361 non-null float64
22 Do you have medical coverage (private insurance or state-provided) that includes treatment of mental health disorders? 56 non-null float64
23 Do you know local or online resources to seek help for a mental health issue? 56 non-null object
24 <strong>If you have been diagnosed or treated for a mental health disorder, do you ever reveal this to clients or business contacts?</strong> 56 non-null object
25 If you have revealed a mental health disorder to a client or business contact, how has this affected you or the relationship? 21 non-null object
26 <strong>If you have been diagnosed or treated for a mental health disorder, do you ever reveal this to coworkers or employees?</strong> 56 non-null object
27 If you have revealed a mental health disorder to a coworker or employee, how has this impacted you or the relationship? 56 non-null object
28 Do you believe your productivity is ever affected by a mental health issue? 56 non-null object
29 If yes, what percentage of your work time (time performing primary or secondary job functions) is affected by a mental health issue? 41 non-null object
30 <strong>Do you have previous employers?</strong> 417 non-null int64
31 Was your employer primarily a tech company/organization? 363 non-null float64
32 <strong>Have your previous employers provided mental health benefits?</strong> 363 non-null object
33 <strong>Were you aware of the options for mental health care provided by your previous employers?</strong> 363 non-null object
34 Did your previous employers ever formally discuss mental health (as part of a wellness campaign or other official communication)? 363 non-null object
35 Did your previous employers provide resources to learn more about mental health disorders and how to seek help? 363 non-null object
36 Was your anonymity protected if you chose to take advantage of mental health or substance abuse treatment resources with previous employers? 363 non-null object
37 Would you have felt more comfortable talking to your previous employer about your physical health or your mental health? 363 non-null object
38 Would you have been willing to discuss your mental health with your direct supervisor(s)? 363 non-null object
39 Did you ever discuss your mental health with your previous employer? 363 non-null float64
40 Describe the conversation you had with your previous employer about your mental health, including their reactions and actions taken to address your mental health issue/questions. 60 non-null object
41 <strong>Would you have been willing to discuss your mental health with your coworkers at previous employers?</strong> 363 non-null object
42 Did you ever discuss your mental health with a previous coworker(s)? 362 non-null float64
43 Describe the conversation you had with your previous coworkers about your mental health including their reactions. 92 non-null object
44 Did you ever have a previous coworker discuss their or another coworker's mental health with you? 363 non-null float64
45 Describe the conversation your coworker had with you about their mental health (please do not use names)..1 79 non-null object
46 Overall, how much importance did your previous employer place on physical health? 363 non-null float64
47 Overall, how much importance did your previous employer place on mental health? 363 non-null float64
48 Do you currently have a mental health disorder? 417 non-null object
49 Have you ever been diagnosed with a mental health disorder? 191 non-null object
50 What disorder(s) have you been diagnosed with? 0 non-null float64
51 If possibly, what disorder(s) do you believe you have? 81 non-null object
52 If so, what disorder(s) were you diagnosed with? 188 non-null object
53 Have you had a mental health disorder in the past? 415 non-null object
54 Have you ever sought treatment for a mental health disorder from a mental health professional? 417 non-null int64
55 Do you have a family history of mental illness? 417 non-null object
56 If you have a mental health disorder, how often do you feel that it interferes with your work <strong>when being treated effectively?</strong> 417 non-null object
57 If you have a mental health disorder, how often do you feel that it interferes with your work <strong>when</strong> <em><strong>NOT</strong></em><strong> being treated effectively (i.e., when you are experiencing symptoms)?</strong> 417 non-null object
58 Have your observations of how another individual who discussed a mental health issue made you less likely to reveal a mental health issue yourself in your current workplace? 320 non-null object
59 How willing would you be to share with friends and family that you have a mental illness? 417 non-null int64
60 Would you be willing to bring up a physical health issue with a potential employer in an interview? 417 non-null object
61 Why or why not? 326 non-null object
62 Would you bring up your mental health with a potential employer in an interview? 417 non-null object
63 Why or why not?.1 333 non-null object
64 Are you openly identified at work as a person with a mental health issue? 417 non-null int64
65 Has being identified as a person with a mental health issue affected your career? 51 non-null float64
66 How has it affected your career? 16 non-null float64
67 If they knew you suffered from a mental health disorder, how do you think that team members/co-workers would react? 417 non-null int64
68 <strong>Have you observed or experienced an unsupportive or badly handled response to a mental health issue in your current or previous workplace?</strong> 417 non-null object
69 Describe the circumstances of the badly handled or unsupportive response. 91 non-null object
70 <strong>Have you observed or experienced supportive or well handled response to a mental health issue in your current or previous workplace?</strong> 417 non-null object
71 Describe the circumstances of the supportive or well handled response. 0 non-null float64
72 Overall, how well do you think the tech industry supports employees with mental health issues? 417 non-null int64
73 Briefly describe what you think the industry as a whole and/or employers could do to improve mental health support for employees. 289 non-null object
74 If there is anything else you would like to tell us that has not been covered by the survey questions, please use this space to do so. 98 non-null object
75 Would you be willing to talk to one of us more extensively about your experiences with mental health issues in the tech industry? (Note that all interview responses would be used <em>anonymously</em> and only with your permission.) 417 non-null int64
76 What is your age? 417 non-null int64
77 What is your gender? 414 non-null object
78 What country do you <strong>live</strong> in? 417 non-null object
79 What US state or territory do you <strong>live</strong> in? 311 non-null object
80 What is your race? 302 non-null object
81 Other 9 non-null object
82 What country do you <strong>work</strong> in? 417 non-null object
83 What US state or territory do you <strong>work</strong> in? 314 non-null object
84 Start Date (UTC) 417 non-null object
85 Submit Date (UTC) 417 non-null object
86 Network ID 417 non-null object
dtypes: float64(18), int64(9), object(60)
memory usage: 283.6+ KB
# Lower the column names
df.columns = df.columns.str.lower()
columns = list(df.columns)
# Remove html tags from the column names
columns = [re.sub('<.*?>', '', column) for column in columns]
# Reassign the columns to the respective dataframes
df.columns = columns
# Drop unuseful columns
df.drop(['#', 'start date (utc)', 'network id', 'other', 'submit date (utc)'], axis=1, inplace=True)
# Add year identifying column
df['year'] = '2018'
# Write the cleaned file back
df.to_csv("./../../../datasets/cleaned_osmi_2018.csv", index=False)
Data cleaning - 2019¶
# Load 2019 data
df = pd.read_csv("./../../../datasets/osmi_2019.csv")
# Data preview
*Are you self-employed?* | How many employees does your company or organization have? | Is your employer primarily a tech company/organization? | Is your primary role within your company related to tech/IT? | Does your employer provide mental health benefits as part of healthcare coverage? | Do you know the options for mental health care available under your employer-provided health coverage? | Has your employer ever formally discussed mental health (for example, as part of a wellness campaign or other official communication)? | Does your employer offer resources to learn more about mental health disorders and options for seeking help? | Is your anonymity protected if you choose to take advantage of mental health or substance abuse treatment resources provided by your employer? | If a mental health issue prompted you to request a medical leave from work, how easy or difficult would it be to ask for that leave? | ... | Briefly describe what you think the industry as a whole and/or employers could do to improve mental health support for employees. | If there is anything else you would like to tell us that has not been covered by the survey questions, please use this space to do so. | Would you be willing to talk to one of us more extensively about your experiences with mental health issues in the tech industry? (Note that all interview responses would be used _anonymously_ and only with your permission.) | What is your age? | What is your gender? | What country do you *live* in? | What US state or territory do you *live* in? | What is your race? | What country do you *work* in? | What US state or territory do you *work* in? | |
0 | False | 26-100 | True | True | I don't know | No | Yes | Yes | I don't know | Very easy | ... | NaN | NaN | False | 25 | Male | United States of America | Nebraska | White | United States of America | Nebraska |
1 | False | 26-100 | True | True | Yes | No | No | Yes | Yes | I don't know | ... | NaN | NaN | False | 51 | male | United States of America | Nebraska | White | United States of America | Nebraska |
2 | False | 26-100 | True | True | I don't know | No | No | I don't know | I don't know | Somewhat difficult | ... | I think opening up more conversation around th... | Thank you | True | 27 | Male | United States of America | Illinois | White | United States of America | Illinois |
3 | False | 100-500 | True | True | I don't know | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Very easy | ... | NaN | NaN | False | 37 | male | United States of America | Nebraska | White | United States of America | Nebraska |
4 | False | 26-100 | True | True | I don't know | No | I don't know | I don't know | I don't know | I don't know | ... | NaN | NaN | False | 46 | m | United States of America | Nebraska | White | United States of America | Nebraska |
5 rows × 82 columns
# Data info
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 352 entries, 0 to 351
Data columns (total 82 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 *Are you self-employed?* 352 non-null bool
1 How many employees does your company or organization have? 304 non-null object
2 Is your employer primarily a tech company/organization? 304 non-null object
3 Is your primary role within your company related to tech/IT? 304 non-null object
4 Does your employer provide mental health benefits as part of healthcare coverage? 304 non-null object
5 Do you know the options for mental health care available under your employer-provided health coverage? 278 non-null object
6 Has your employer ever formally discussed mental health (for example, as part of a wellness campaign or other official communication)? 304 non-null object
7 Does your employer offer resources to learn more about mental health disorders and options for seeking help? 304 non-null object
8 Is your anonymity protected if you choose to take advantage of mental health or substance abuse treatment resources provided by your employer? 304 non-null object
9 If a mental health issue prompted you to request a medical leave from work, how easy or difficult would it be to ask for that leave? 304 non-null object
10 Would you feel more comfortable talking to your coworkers about your physical health or your mental health? 304 non-null object
11 Would you feel comfortable discussing a mental health issue with your direct supervisor(s)? 304 non-null object
12 Have you ever discussed your mental health with your employer? 304 non-null object
13 Describe the conversation you had with your employer about your mental health, including their reactions and what actions were taken to address your mental health issue/questions. 84 non-null object
14 Would you feel comfortable discussing a mental health issue with your coworkers? 304 non-null object
15 Have you ever discussed your mental health with coworkers? 301 non-null object
16 Describe the conversation with coworkers you had about your mental health including their reactions. 119 non-null object
17 Have you ever had a coworker discuss their or another coworker's mental health with you? 304 non-null object
18 Describe the conversation your coworker had with you about their mental health (please do not use names). 110 non-null object
19 Overall, how much importance does your employer place on physical health? 304 non-null float64
20 Overall, how much importance does your employer place on mental health? 304 non-null float64
21 Do you have medical coverage (private insurance or state-provided) that includes treatment of mental health disorders? 48 non-null object
22 Do you know local or online resources to seek help for a mental health issue? 48 non-null object
23 If you have been diagnosed or treated for a mental health disorder, do you ever reveal this to clients or business contacts? 48 non-null object
24 If you have revealed a mental health disorder to a client or business contact, how has this affected you or the relationship? 20 non-null object
25 If you have been diagnosed or treated for a mental health disorder, do you ever reveal this to coworkers or employees? 48 non-null object
26 If you have revealed a mental health disorder to a coworker or employee, how has this impacted you or the relationship? 48 non-null object
27 Do you believe your productivity is ever affected by a mental health issue? 48 non-null object
28 If yes, what percentage of your work time (time performing primary or secondary job functions) is affected by a mental health issue? 37 non-null object
29 *Do you have previous employers?* 352 non-null bool
30 Was your employer primarily a tech company/organization? 296 non-null object
31 Have your previous employers provided mental health benefits? 296 non-null object
32 Were you aware of the options for mental health care provided by your previous employers? 296 non-null object
33 Did your previous employers ever formally discuss mental health (as part of a wellness campaign or other official communication)? 296 non-null object
34 Did your previous employers provide resources to learn more about mental health disorders and how to seek help? 296 non-null object
35 Was your anonymity protected if you chose to take advantage of mental health or substance abuse treatment resources with previous employers? 296 non-null object
36 Would you have felt more comfortable talking to your previous employer about your physical health or your mental health? 296 non-null object
37 Would you have been willing to discuss your mental health with your direct supervisor(s)? 296 non-null object
38 Did you ever discuss your mental health with your previous employer? 296 non-null object
39 Describe the conversation you had with your previous employer about your mental health, including their reactions and actions taken to address your mental health issue/questions. 63 non-null object
40 Would you have been willing to discuss your mental health with your coworkers at previous employers? 296 non-null object
41 Did you ever discuss your mental health with a previous coworker(s)? 294 non-null object
42 Describe the conversation you had with your previous coworkers about your mental health including their reactions. 85 non-null object
43 Did you ever have a previous coworker discuss their or another coworker's mental health with you? 295 non-null object
44 Describe the conversation your coworker had with you about their mental health (please do not use names)..1 66 non-null object
45 Overall, how much importance did your previous employer place on physical health? 296 non-null float64
46 Overall, how much importance did your previous employer place on mental health? 296 non-null float64
47 Do you *currently* have a mental health disorder? 352 non-null object
48 Have you ever been *diagnosed* with a mental health disorder? 147 non-null object
49 *What disorder(s) have you been diagnosed with?* 0 non-null float64
50 *If possibly, what disorder(s) do you believe you have?* 72 non-null object
51 *If so, what disorder(s) were you diagnosed with?* 144 non-null object
52 Have you had a mental health disorder in the past? 349 non-null object
53 Have you ever sought treatment for a mental health disorder from a mental health professional? 352 non-null bool
54 Do you have a family history of mental illness? 352 non-null object
55 If you have a mental health disorder, how often do you feel that it interferes with your work *when being treated effectively?* 352 non-null object
56 If you have a mental health disorder, how often do you feel that it interferes with your work *when* _*NOT*_* being treated effectively (i.e., when you are experiencing symptoms)?* 352 non-null object
57 Have your observations of how another individual who discussed a mental health issue made you less likely to reveal a mental health issue yourself in your current workplace? 282 non-null object
58 How willing would you be to share with friends and family that you have a mental illness? 352 non-null int64
59 Would you be willing to bring up a physical health issue with a potential employer in an interview? 352 non-null object
60 Why or why not? 273 non-null object
61 Would you bring up your *mental* health with a potential employer in an interview? 352 non-null object
62 Why or why not?.1 285 non-null object
63 Are you openly identified at work as a person with a mental health issue? 352 non-null bool
64 Has being identified as a person with a mental health issue affected your career? 45 non-null object
65 How has it affected your career? 18 non-null float64
66 If they knew you suffered from a mental health disorder, how do you think that your team members/co-workers would react? 352 non-null int64
67 Have you observed or experienced an *unsupportive or badly handled response* to a mental health issue in your current or previous workplace? 352 non-null object
68 Describe the circumstances of the badly handled or unsupportive response. 89 non-null object
69 Have you observed or experienced a *supportive or well handled response* to a mental health issue in your current or previous workplace? 352 non-null object
70 Describe the circumstances of the supportive or well handled response. 0 non-null float64
71 Overall, how well do you think the tech industry supports employees with mental health issues? 352 non-null int64
72 Briefly describe what you think the industry as a whole and/or employers could do to improve mental health support for employees. 254 non-null object
73 If there is anything else you would like to tell us that has not been covered by the survey questions, please use this space to do so. 100 non-null object
74 Would you be willing to talk to one of us more extensively about your experiences with mental health issues in the tech industry? (Note that all interview responses would be used _anonymously_ and only with your permission.) 352 non-null bool
75 What is your age? 352 non-null int64
76 What is your gender? 347 non-null object
77 What country do you *live* in? 352 non-null object
78 What US state or territory do you *live* in? 204 non-null object
79 What is your race? 204 non-null object
80 What country do you *work* in? 352 non-null object
81 What US state or territory do you *work* in? 204 non-null object
dtypes: bool(5), float64(7), int64(4), object(66)
memory usage: 213.6+ KB
# Lower the column names
df.columns = df.columns.str.lower()
# Remove special characters from the columns of year 2019
columns = list(df.columns)
columns = [column.replace('*', '') for column in columns]
columns = [column.replace('_', '') for column in columns]
# Assign the column names back to the dataframe
df.columns = columns
# Rename mismatched column names
df.rename(columns = {'if they knew you suffered from a mental health disorder, how do you think that your team members/co-workers would react?':
'if they knew you suffered from a mental health disorder, how do you think that team members/co-workers would react?'}, inplace=True)
df.rename(columns = {'have you observed or experienced a supportive or well handled response to a mental health issue in your current or previous workplace?':
'have you observed or experienced supportive or well handled response to a mental health issue in your current or previous workplace?'}, inplace=True)
df['year'] = '2019'
# Write the cleaned file back
df.to_csv("./../../../datasets/cleaned_osmi_2019.csv", index=False)