Corporate Mental Health

Usually when we talk about health, we refer to our physical health most of the times. And, yes, it is fact our health plays a crucial role in this journey called life. We often ignore it in the name of achieving our goals which often makes us lethargic and/or make us feel burnt out. The recent pandemic has made it even worse for us to pay attention to our health. The most important measures that people talk about for improving the physical health are proper diet and adequate exercise. And it is inherently accepted that these measures will also improve our mental well-being. Well, these are proven facts and I can’t deny them. But are they enough?

Like physical health, mental health too is an important part of our overall health. It is as equally important as physical health (personally, I think mental health is more important than health but let that debate be kept aside for now). Mental health was and is royally ignored. The COVID-19 pandemic has shifted the way people work drastically and it has affected a lot of people mentally than it did physically. People had to work remotely and there were news that were making rounds about people starting to burn out. Maintaining a proper diet and some form of exercise was possible in the lockdowns too but it could not deal with the situation completely. Hence, it is approriate time for us to understand that our mind is complex thing and needs professional support to fix the issues regarding the mental problems. Understanding the fact that we as human need help with issues regarding mental problems from another human has become very difficult. Though professionals working in every sector of corporate gets affected mentally, the situation is more grave in the information technology sector. This project aims to recognize what factors plays a crucial role in predicting the need to seek help from the mental health professionals in the corporate life.