Dataset IntroductionΒΆ

The data that will be used in this project is published by Open Sourcing Mental Illness (OSMI). They have collected and compiled data yearly starting from year 2014.

OSMI is a non-profit corporation dedicated to raising awareness, educating, and providing resources to support mental wellness in the tech and open source communities. It was started by a web devleoper and mental health advocate named Ed Finkler. It has hosted a questionaire on its website to collect the data. The complete data is open is open sourced under the research tab on the OSMI website. They have also hosted this data on kaggle. For this analysis, we will be utlizing data from year 2017 as since then the questions in the survey have not changed significantly.

I would encourage everyone to contribute for the cause by taking the survey under the research tab. There are multiple methods available to contribute for the cause. Please refer to the OSMI website for more details.